Sunday, March 15, 2009

Glow in the Dark

Just returning from a Youth conference and decided to share a short well if you know me it will be a long message about what I learned this weekend. Sometimes in life you go through stuff we'll call heart lessons and you may have asked yourself Why has GOD brought me here? Why does he not care about me and my pain. Well I am now here to tell you he does care and he has brought you to these things to bring you through them.
To make you stronger and harder to for the next blow.
He wants you to be a light for others as we travel through life together and shine for him so he has to break you sometimes when he does this to you it makes you shine for him and lost souls can possibly see you in the dark.
You can be a testimony for them and help them through the darkness.
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Glow in the Dark

Just returning from a Youth conference and decided to share a little well if you know me it will be a long message about what I learned this weekend. Sometimes in life you go through stuff we'll call life's luggage and you may have asked yourself Why has GOD brought me here? Why does he not care about me and my pain well I am now here to tell you he does care and he has brought you to these things to bring you through them. To make you stronger and harder to for the next blow.
He wants you to be a light for others as we travel through life together and shine for him so he has to break you sometimes when he does this to you it makes you shine for him and lost souls can possibly see you in the dark.
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Had a oridinary day today clock went off way to early and it was way to cold to get up but had to because had to start my day of many roles. First, is my regular job which I really like because it allows me to talk and have fun meeting people. Second, is my role of a taxi driver which I really do not like but it is a job that must be done because with three children all attending different schools this year it takes me a hour to gather everyone. Anyone with children already knows this but kids have a busy schedule and need to be somewhere all the time. Third, is my role of a cook/chef which I really do not like either but by law I have to feed the children that run all my gas out and run me crazy...."Just Kidding". But then my schedule turns to cleaning up and doing homework, making sure everyone is happy and ready for the next day......As i was waiting for my son in the bath tub i started thinking how I fuss about these jobs and they wear me out but i would not change a second of it. But then I also started thinking who is here to take care of my needs............................................GOD IS................................................................................
With his grace he allows me to wake in the morning and go to a job which pays for my many bills and pays for the car that I drive and all the gas used daily. He allows me to buy food to eat and everything that we need in a day and with him by my side each day I can make all these things happen. I know with the ecomomy problems right now it is very easy to look at the things that we dont have or cant get but take a second to look at what you do have.......
your husband/wife, your parents, your children, your health, your faith, your promise that he is always there for you.... that he will never forsake you . Please take the time and just priase him for the blessings...because we are not promised tomorrow and with a turn of eye it can be gone forever. Do not have the shoulda, coulda, woulda regrets.....


Monday, November 17, 2008

The Devils Work 11/13/2008

Well Friends I am having a bad day fighting with my husband and in between the tears and just plain old fashioned angry. I started thinking this is probably how God feels when we dont follow his path. Because just like our husbands people do not always do what we feel is right for them and it makes you angry and you say and do things that the devil wants you to do..... He puts negitive thoughts in your mind and you fight with loved ones over unimportant things.

But just like a marriage that you can not turn your back on GOD will not turn his back on you. He is always there for you no matter what and he wants you to follow him... He wants you to listen to him.....He wants you to yell NO to the devil and make it very clear that you are not listening to the BAD ideas that he is telling you because unlike GOD he wants you to be misable and unhappy.

So take a moment and tell that special someone that you love them and then take a extra little moment and look up at him and tell him Thanks for loving you enough to care about your happiness and that he doesn't need to change anything at all. HE IS PERFECT JUST THE WAY HE IS......

Don't get stuck in the wrong life 11/14/2008

Stuck in the mud waiting for help and i started thinking this helpless feeling is how you feel before you become saved. Lonely and do not know what to do with your life. Take a second and ask yourself "Am I truly happy with where my life is going?" If you answered no and if you worry at all about your sins. Then the answer is very simple......Ask GOD to come into your life. Ask for forgiveness for your sins and know that as soon as you do this GOD does forgive and the best thing is that he FORGETS.

Never to be thoughts about again...How very AWESOME is that. I have recently asked God into my life and I have started going to church each week and I promise you, with him on your side you will see life through new eyes. There will be color where it was black and dark. You will feel his presence with you going through the days.

Just try and see don't want until its to late.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did You Vote?

Well today is a huge day in history and I can honestly say that I take pride that I was a part of it. I will be able to tell my grandchildren many many many years from now that I voted for this election. This was a special election and very important just due to having the first woman run and then to finish it out with the first africian american. I truely believe our nation is changing more and more everyday. But no matter how much it may change there is still one positive thing that remains the same. GOD, he is still in control... of us all.

He will NOT bring us to something that he will not see us through. Many people are saying that this is a bad time that we are going through with the money problems everywhere well instead of complaining about what is wrong with this world.....Lets all try something new.....


Saturday, November 1, 2008

2008 Women of Faith

Well just getting home from a weekend trip and can you say WOW......God is working on me to start a blog to share my testimonials with everyone that i can touch. God gives you so many "Blessings" everyday and the average person will miss them. I feel like its my responsibilty now to help everyone catch those moments and treasure them like GOD intended. So this is the first entry of many. Thanks to my wonderful husband for getting me started and giving a little blogging 101. I think i am ready.....are you.........

Gone Now but NEVER Forever
With LOVE in Christ